Brave is an innovative browser

Brave is an innovative browser based on Chromium, which is primarily focused on the safe use of all Internet features and high speed. By default, network activity monitoring is turned off and annoying annoying ads are neutralized, which is quite effective in speeding up page loading and saving traffic.
Thanks to the “Private Window with Tor” feature, which was very recently needed, your actions in the browser will be hidden from the provider, and your IP address will be hidden from the sites you visit. You can easily visit any sites that are blocked for some reason in your area.
In addition, the browser blocks third-party product cookies, neutralizes infected online ads, and uses the HTTPS Everywhere function to encrypt sent data packets, which prevents leakage of personal information. 
Among other features, there are traditional for all web browsers:
  • multitask support (including a secure session),
  • selection of the resource to open when the browser starts - home page, last opened, empty tab,
  • two search engines - Google and DuckDuckGo,
  • tab management - limiting simultaneously open, switching to a tab, highlighting tabs in different colors, previewing a page when you hover over a tab with a mouse cursor,
  • privacy settings, etc.
  • Download Brave browser